Battle events, as the title already clearly suggests, means the Ghost Agents (us) have to keep battling each other to try to win against each other to obtain Victory Points (VPs). After battling and winning (better still if you've a long victory streak of more than 5), you can save up your VPs to quickly exchange for the limited no. of daemons and magatamas available in Dora's Barter Shop.
[Popular and highly sought after daemons would always be the first to sell out first. This is often followed by the cheapest daemon and its skill magatamas to be sold out.. Everything is while stocks last!]
More daemons were introduced and available for "barter" trade for VPs in this battle event - one top daemon, two 2nd prizes, one 3rd prize and last consolation prize.. Not forgetting the respective daemons' skill magatamas.
Introduction begins! Starting with the top prize daemon - the Divina daemon, Mars. Mars is an offensive Divina daemon and perfect for any pure Divina Attack Team. However, with its good-but-not-excellent profile and skill, the VPs required for Mars is simply too far out of reach for most players.
Divina - Mars.
Mars's profile:
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 4545 / 13015
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 4065 / 11695
Spirit Required: 35
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Victory March
Skill Effect: Increases Divina Attack (+22%).
There were two available 2nd prizes, one offensive daemon and the other defensive daemon. As the offensive daemon appears to be much higher in demand, I did not manage to grab her. :'( I can perfectly understand why Helle was so crazily in demand. Offensive daemons with decently good profile and (team) skills are always in higher demand.
Phantom - Helle.
Helle's profile:
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 4364 / 12554
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 3510 / 10090
Spirit Required: 33
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Reaper's Scythe
Skill Effect: Increases Phantom Attack (+22%).
Instead, I landed myself my very first 5* daemon - the defensive Divina daemon, Mahamayuri! :D:D:D
Divina - Mahamayuri.
Skill Effect: Increases Divina Defense (+22%).
As I was already on my last event day after past days and days of saving up my VPs for Mahamayuri, I was trying my best to also go for the last two prizes, whichever I could save up enough of my VPs up for..
.. Bad news came. :(
The last consolation prize, which is the most value-for-VPs Divina daemon, Nobutsuna Kamiizumi, was already sold out. :'(
[Nobutsuna Kamiizumi's profile and skill are comparable to that of the 3rd prize daemon.]
Divina - Nobutsuna Kamiizumi.
Nobutsuna Kamiizumi's profile:
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 3068 / 8828
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 2432 / 6932
Spirit Required: 25
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 13 Transient Blade
Skill Effect: Reduces opponent's Phantom Defense (-20%).
I did not exchange for any daemon's skill magatamas in the end. I was only concerned about grabbing the daemons. I fed my Crystal Magatamas to Mahamayuri happily to level her experience up:
Fuse Mahamayuri and Crystal Magatamas.
No more Nobutsuna Kamiizumi left for me to grab, I could only pushed on for the 3rd prize Anima daemon, Grinning Aoe.
Anima - Grinning Aoe.
Grinning Aoe's profile (see screenshot):
Skill Effect: Reduces opponent's Divina Defense (-20%).
I could only poorly afford to farm free Tourmaline Magatamas to feed Grinning Aoe to level up her experience:
Fuse Grinning Aoe and Tourmaline Magatamas.
My team after this battle event is officially over! :) I am not too sure why Grinning Aoe was not included in my team then, but maybe because I was taking way too long to level her up? x_x
[Anima daemons are the hardest to level up due to the higher difficulty of gathering Anima feeds effectively.]
Kagome (Level 46).
[Kagome was my old username.]
~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)
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