Monday, August 12, 2013

Event Complete: Sengoku Swimsuit Scene

This conquest event, Sengoku Swimsuit Scene, is (finally) officially over!
[What a long and tiring event.. zzzZ.]

Here goes my ranking results:

First Half
First Half Ranking: 1918th @ 14,814 Conquest Points.

Second Half
Second Half Ranking: 2178th @ 12,569 Conquest Points.

Total Ranking: 1579th @ 27,383 Conquest Points.

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Event Experience #3: En Garde! Ghost Agents Do Battle! ~ 4 ~

It certainly appears to be the case that battle events, which are generally shorter in duration, are being used as "filler" events in between the bigger and longer duration events. The previous conquest mission event was approximately two weeks long and the next event is speculated to be another two weeks long tower climbing event.

Battle events, as the title already clearly suggests, means the Ghost Agents (us) have to keep battling each other to try to win against each other to obtain Victory Points (VPs). After battling and winning (better still if you've a long victory streak of more than 5), you can save up your VPs to quickly exchange for the limited no. of daemons and magatamas available in Dora's Barter Shop.
[Popular and highly sought after daemons would always be the first to sell out first. This is often followed by the cheapest daemon and its skill magatamas to be sold out.. Everything is while stocks last!]

More daemons were introduced and available for "barter" trade for VPs in this battle event - one top daemon, two 2nd prizes, one 3rd prize and last consolation prize.. Not forgetting the respective daemons' skill magatamas.

Introduction begins! Starting with the top prize daemon - the Divina daemon, Mars. Mars is an offensive Divina daemon and perfect for any pure Divina Attack Team. However, with its good-but-not-excellent profile and skill, the VPs required for Mars is simply too far out of reach for most players.

Divina - Mars.

Mars's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 4545 / 13015
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 4065 / 11695
Spirit Required: 35
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Victory March
Skill Effect: Increases Divina Attack (+22%).

There were two available 2nd prizes, one offensive daemon and the other defensive daemon. As the offensive daemon appears to be much higher in demand, I did not manage to grab her. :'( I can perfectly understand why Helle was so crazily in demand. Offensive daemons with decently good profile and (team) skills are always in higher demand.

Phantom - Helle.

Helle's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 4364 / 12554
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 3510 / 10090
Spirit Required: 33
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Reaper's Scythe
Skill Effect: Increases Phantom Attack (+22%).

Instead, I landed myself my very first 5* daemon - the defensive Divina daemon, Mahamayuri! :D:D:D

Divina - Mahamayuri.

Mahamayuri's profile (see screenshot): 
Skill Effect: Increases Divina Defense (+22%).

As I was already on my last event day after past days and days of saving up my VPs for Mahamayuri, I was trying my best to also go for the last two prizes, whichever I could save up enough of my VPs up for..
.. Bad news came. :(

The last consolation prize, which is the most value-for-VPs Divina daemon, Nobutsuna Kamiizumi, was already sold out. :'(
[Nobutsuna Kamiizumi's profile and skill are comparable to that of the 3rd prize daemon.]

Divina - Nobutsuna Kamiizumi.

Nobutsuna Kamiizumi's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 3068 / 8828
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 2432 / 6932
Spirit Required: 25
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 13 Transient Blade
Skill Effect: Reduces opponent's Phantom Defense (-20%).

I did not exchange for any daemon's skill magatamas in the end. I was only concerned about grabbing the daemons. I fed my Crystal Magatamas to Mahamayuri happily to level her experience up: 

Fuse Mahamayuri and Crystal Magatamas.

No more Nobutsuna Kamiizumi left for me to grab, I could only pushed on for the 3rd prize Anima daemon, Grinning Aoe.

Anima - Grinning Aoe.

Grinning Aoe's profile (see screenshot): 
Skill Effect: Reduces opponent's Divina Defense (-20%).

I could only poorly afford to farm free Tourmaline Magatamas to feed Grinning Aoe to level up her experience:

Fuse Grinning Aoe and Tourmaline Magatamas.

My team after this battle event is officially over! :) I am not too sure why Grinning Aoe was not included in my team then, but maybe because I was taking way too long to level her up? x_x
[Anima daemons are the hardest to level up due to the higher difficulty of gathering Anima feeds effectively.]

Kagome (Level 46).
[Kagome was my old username.]

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)

Daemon Transmigration #4: Goddess of Poverty

Goddess of Poverty and Goddess of Misfortune come in a pair of transmigrate-able daemons. It would be such a pity if I didn't go ahead to collect the both of them together.

Both goddesses transmigrate earlier at experience level 16 (not the usual maximum level) and comes with the ability to steal more silver from your opponents in won battles.
[I obtained Goddess of Misfortune first; I obtained Goddess of Poverty only much later.]

Divina - Goddess of Poverty.
[Pulsing away with short bursts of energy.]

Mira: Your daemon is transmigrating! o.O

Mira: Your daemon has transmigrated and been reborn in a different form! :)
[Yay! Jacket are off, hair let down loose and spectacles are removed! ^^]

Transmigrated: Goddess of Poverty (Ultimate).

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)

Daemon Transmigration #3: Goddess of Misfortune

Goddess of Misfortune and Goddess of Poverty are a pair of goddesses that you would encounter on exploring Chapter 5 in Story mode. I decided to grab the both of them after giving it much thought and considerations.

Goddess of Misfortune (Ultimate) acts as a silver-generating daemon during battles, stealing more silver from your opponents after winning a battle (that is, if her skill activates). :X

Can Transmigrate: Divina - Goddess of Misfortune.

Mira: Your daemon is transmigrating! o.O

Mira: Your daemon has transmigrated and been reborn in a different form! :)

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Event Complete: Alice in Ayakashi Land

Unlike the battle event, there are First Half, Second Half and Total Rankings introduced in this conquest mission event.

In the First Half Rankings, we're given a chance to obtain a 5* Phantom daemon, March Hare, and March Hare Magatamas (dependent on your ranking).
[March Hare Magatamas are only within your grasp if you're ranked within the top 3000. Otherwise from rank 3001 to 6000, you would only receive March Hare alone.]

March Hare is everyone's dream Phantom daemon. She fits in snugly in both the Attack Team and Defense Team, especially so if you're fielding a pure Phantom team. We're no longer able to find another event ranking daemon as fantastic (in profile and skill) as March Hare nowadays. I truly regret not realising March Hare's true potential earlier.

Phantom - March Hare.

March Hare's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 4260 / 12100
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 5020 / 14400
Spirit Required: 37
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Latecomer
Skill Effect: Greatly increases Phantom Defense (+24%).

In the Second Half Rankings, we're now instead able to obtain only a 4* Anima daemon, Lady Wedge, and Lady Wedge Magatamas (dependent on your ranking).
[Lady Wedge Magatamas are only within your grasp if you're ranked within the top 3000. Otherwise from rank 3001 to 6000, you would only receive Lady Wedge alone.]

Lady Wedge is a proud and arrogant-sounding Anima daemon. She makes a great addition to any pure Anima Attack Team. There are indeed lesser beautiful Anima daemons around, and worse so for those with admirable profiles and skills. I myself have had more Anima daemons than Divina or Phantom daemons, but there are much lesser decent to excellent Anima daemons compared to Divina and Phantom.
[If you're a free player, you should only try to start the conquest mission event during the Second Half for a higher chance of getting Lady Wedge.]

Anima - Lady Wedge.

Lady Wedge's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 3630 / 10350
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 2880 / 8220
Spirit Required: 29
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 13 Nepotism
Skill Effect: Increases Anima Attack (+20%).

Total Rankings = First Half Ranking + Second Half Ranking.
If you've done well in the First Half, chances are you would do relatively well for the Second Half too. However, you should always note that there would always be this last day / hour / minute rush to squeeze into the Total Rankings for the daemons, be it for the top prize, Red Queen (Divina), or for the consolation prize, Cheshire Cat (Phantom).

Red Queen is a Divina daemon, similar to March Hare's profile and skill, is practically non-existent among current event ranking daemons nowadays. Highly sought after and if you've her, you've just made yourself a powerful ally not to be easily trifled with. March Hare and Red Queen are everyone's dream daemons. High trigger rate is very drool-worthy.
[Top 2500 for Red Queen.]

Divina - Red Queen.

Red Queen's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 4840 / 13800
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 4840 / 13800
Spirit Required: 37
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Guillotine
Skill Effect: Increases Divina Attack and Defense (+22%). High trigger rate (70% chance to activate skill).

The Phantom daemon, Cheshire Cat, acts as a (filler) consolation prize for the rest of the players who tried for the conquest mission event and made it into at least top 2501 to 8000 in Total Rankings. If you're a hardcore avid collector / player, you can obtain both Red Queen and Cheshire Cat if you made it to top 1000.

Phantom - Cheshire Cat.

Cheshire Cat's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 2820 / 8100
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 3560 / 10100
Spirit Required: 27
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 13 Cynical Smile
Skill Effect: Reduces opponent's Divina Attack (-20%).

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)

Event Experience #2: Alice in Ayakashi Land

My second event encounter in Ayakashi Ghost Guild took place in a strange and mysterious place called Ayakashi Land..
.. The perfect time for a conquest mission event, Alice in Ayakashi Land! :3

I had barely recovered from being overwhelmed in the previous battle event, I was already being thrown into another even more complicated conquest mission event! Being still relatively new to the game (only my second event after all) and a cash-free player, I didn't bother much about understanding how the game mechanism actually works, or thought about the possible conquest strategies that I could actually deploy; I simply foolishly went headstrong against the super-inhumanely-strong but disgusting slugs named "Alice's Dress".. -_-"

It's therefore not the least surprising to say, I could only manage the bottom two conquest rewards - Quartz (Anima) + Tartella (Anima). I obviously didn't dare to even dream about making it into the rankings. In fact, I didn't even check on the rankings. x_x
[I stopped fighting at conquest mission level 70, just barely enough to scrape through getting my hands on another skill magatama.]

Anima - Quartz.
[Level 25 Conquest Reward; Quartz (skill) Magatamas for Levels 30, 35, 40 and 45 Conquest Rewards.]

Quartz's profile (see screenshot): 
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 11 Everlasting Time [+4 Quartz Magatamas]
Skill Effect: Slightly reduces opponent' Divina Defense (-17%).

Anima - Tartella.
[Level 50 Conquest Reward; Tartella (skill) Magatamas for Levels 55, 60, 65 and 70 Conquest Rewards.]

Tartella's profile (see screenshot): 
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 11 Treats Galore [+4 Tartella Magatamas]
Skill Effect: Increases Anima Attack (+22%).

In case you're confused and wondering what these "skill magatamas" are..
.. Here you go! :)
It is actually a magatama imbued with the skill of the said daemon, hence fusing this magatama to this particular daemon would raise its skill level.
[1 skill magatama = 1 skill level]

Fusing Tartella and Tartella (skill) Magatama.

This was the only other screenshot that I had of this conquest mission event and its sluggish "slimy" monsters. The only reason I even bothered to screenshot this picture was because the numbers were reflected incorrectly.
[I had accidentally pressed on the "Back" button in the game, hence resulting in the slug appearing to suddenly "gain" significant amount of health.]

(r a n d o m) screenshot - "You Lost".

Many freebies were actually given out upon the completion of each conquest mission level. This includes candies (+50 Health), spirit waters (replenish all Attack and Defense Spirit), loads and loads of silver (useful for card levelling / fusions), and last but not least, the main conquest rewards everyone anticipates..
.. The daemons and their skill magatamas!

Next up on this tall steep ladder, we have the Phantom daemon, Hattie! I was trying so hard to also add her into my daemon collection, but I simply could not press on any further after conquest mission level 70. Many were also ranting and complaining that this daemon should have been a 4* for a Level 75 Conquest Reward, since the next daemon higher up the ladder is the lead character featured in this conquest mission story - Divina daemon, Alice..
.. And she is already a 5* daemon. -_-"

Phantom - Hattie.
[Level 75 Conquest Reward; Hattie (skill) Magatamas for Levels 80, 85, 90 and 95 Conquest Rewards.]

Hattie's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 2220 / 6320
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 2230 / 6430
Spirit Required: 20
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 11 Mad Hatter
Skill Effect: Reduces opponent's Divina Attack (-18%). High Trigger Rate (70% chance to activate skill).

Having spent this much time and effort to climb up so high on this conquest mission level "ladder", you would finally be given a chance to defeat that hideous slug monster and obtain your very first 5* daemon as a conquest reward in this event..
.. It is none other than the main lead - Divina daemon, Alice! :D

Divina - Alice.
[Level 100 Conquest Reward; Alice (skill) Magatamas for Levels 101, 106, 111, 116 and 121 Conquest Rewards.]

Alice's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 3870 / 11080
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 4310 / 12290
Spirit Required: 32
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Wonderland
Skill Effect: Increases Divina Defense (+22%).

Climbing further and higher up this crazily long ladder would begin to yield you more skill magatamas for the ranking rewards' daemons - Red Queen (Divina) + Cheshire Cat (Phantom). Since you would certainly have made it into the rankings if you've actually managed to make it this far. It's extremely enticing to continue up the "sadistic" level ladder as skill magatamas are the only way for you to max. out your daemon's skill level to 20. Pressing on would eventually lead you to this monstrous ugly creature that was clearly enjoying itself "Glooop! Glooooop!" causing this whole havoc..
.. Who else but this Anima daemon, Alice's Dress?

Anima - Alice's Dress.
[Level 125 Conquest Reward; Alice's Dress (skill) Magatamas for Levels 126, 131, 136, 141 and 146 Conquest Rewards.]

Alice's Dress' profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 4960 / 14200
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 4560 / 13100
Spirit Required: 35
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Digestive Tract
Skill Effect: Dramatically increases the daemon's Attack and Defense (+34% to self only). High Trigger Rate (70% chance to activate skill).

If you felt that you're up to the challenge, and I actually meant challenging your cash reserves, you could attempt to continue climbing all the way up to the top conquest mission level 200. Sitting at the very top of this "ladder" and awaiting your grand arrival is your top prize, the Divina daemon, Classic Alice~! :D:D:D
[She is essentially still Alice, albeit a stronger one.]

Divina - Classic Alice.
[Level 200 Conquest Reward; Classic Alice (skill) Magatamas for Levels 175, 180, 185, 190 and 195 Conquest Rewards.]

Classic Alice's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 3860 / 11000
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 4940 / 14110
Spirit Required: 36
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Fantastic Idolatry
Skill Effect: Greatly reduce opponent's Anima Attack (-24%).

Having reached the very top of the conquest mission level "ladder", you would have uncovered the key to the entire mystery of this sluggish Alice's Dress saga. Congratulations! :P

Ranking Rewards covered in the next blog entry here, pretty please..

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Event Experience #1: En Garde! Ghost Agents Do Battle! ~ 3 ~

My first event encounter in Ayakashi Ghost Guild is a merciless and offensive battle event, En Garde! Ghost Agents Do Battle! ~ 3 ~! :X

Not understanding much about battle strategies and maximising the use of my already-very-low Attack Spirit, coupled with the fact that I was merely a noob-ish beginner, I could only manage the two lower-grade battle reward redemptions. >.<

Uh wells, I would love to get my hands on the beautiful and powerful Riya Amagasaki..
.. But I am seriously too weak and pathetic. :(
[I started out strictly as a cash-free player.]

Enough of these random ramblings..!

First prize was the Anima daemon, Cloud Mirror! She possesses amazingly high defense and good defensive skill, and is destined to be featured on any Defense Team, especially so if on a pure Anima Defense Team.
[Yeps, she is a mirror, just like our good old Mira! :)]

Anima - Cloud Mirror.

Cloud Mirror's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 2080 / 6000
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 5210 / 14800
Spirit Required: 35
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Polished Mirror
Skill Effect: Greatly reduces opponent's Phantom Attack (-24%).

Second prize was the Divina daemon, Riya Amagasaki! She would have been such a great addition to my deck and gives a gigantic boost to my lousy Attack Team, if only I had read up beforehand about employing battle strategies and spend some Spirit Waters.
[*Regrets regrets*]

Divina - Riya Amagasaki.

Riya Amagasaki's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 4150 / 11800
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 2800 / 8000
Spirit Required: 29
(Default) Skill Level and Skill: Level 15 Vengeance Blade
Skill Effect: Increases Divina Attack (+22%).

I only managed to land my hands on these two consolation prizes - Kyobu Tanuki (Phantom) + Go-Go (Anima). Although they cannot compare to the top two battle reward prizes, they're still a pleasant surprise and addition to my otherwise very dull-looking deck. :)

Phantom - Kyobu Tanuki.

Kyobu Tanuki's profile (see screenshot): 
Skill Effect: Increases the daemon's Attack (+20% to self only).

Anima - Go-Go.

Go-Go's profile (see screenshot): 
Skill Effect: Slightly reduces opponent's Divina Defense (-15%).

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)


I am sure you may have already noticed that I "watermarked" all my screenshots that I've painstakingly taken with my mobile platform throughout the game. These screenshots belong to me and mark my progress and daemon collection along the way in Ayakashi Ghost Guild.

However, I couldn't possibly collect all the daemon cards that are available in Ayakashi Ghost Guild. As such, screenshots that I've taken from other websites, namely Ayakashi Ghost Guild Wiki, to contribute to the completion of my blog entries are not labelled with my watermark. They do not belong to me.

I am, in no way, the ultimate owner of the cards or pictures of this game. All the screenshots you see here are due to the wonderful creations that belong to this beautiful mobile game, Ayakashi Ghost Guild..
.. Credits to Zynga.

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)
[if you're sharp enough to spot that in my old screenshots, I began the game with actually the username "Kagome". :P]

Free vs. Special vs. Rare vs. Bell Summon(s)

The difference between Free Summon vs. Special Summon vs. Rare Summon vs. Bell Summon = The colour and pattern of the magical summoning circle (魔法阵) that appears on the floor during the summoning process.
[I personally did not attempt any Bell Summon before; screenshot was provided by a friend.]

Free Summon: Blue magical summoning circle.
[The daemon card would appear from the midst of the summoning circle.]

Special Summon: Lilac magical summoning circle.
[The summoning circle certainly appears to be bigger now.]

Rare Summon: Gold magical summoning circle.
[Golden lightning and electric sparks during the summoning process! o.O]

Bell Summon: Lilac magical summoning circle.
[Resembles Special Summon, but with the presence of a ringing bell + lilac lightning and electric sparks! O.o]

It seems that only Free Summon has the simplest design and smallest magical summoning circle, compared to the more complex-looking design (looks more powerful too) and bigger magical summoning circles in Special, Rare and Bell Summons.

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)

Special Summon(s)

When you're invited by a friend to give this game a try, you'll receive your friend's Invitation ID to gain you a slight head start to the game. This is in the form of Special Summon tickets.

Special Summon tickets allow you to perform limited "free" Special Summon(s) that give you a higher chance to obtain rare (up to 5*) daemons. The list of daemons that can be summoned via Special Summon(s), however, is fixed. There are loads of 3*, some 4* and that few specific 5*. Everything is dependent on your luck when you perform a Special Summon.
[I've personally only summoned the most common 3* daemons; many of which are repeated too. No 4* or 5* luck for me.]

My first Special Summon yielded me an Anima daemon, Masakuni. She is my first ever 3* daemon, especially since I was just starting out, I was truly elated to have her (my own deck was practically empty then). However, I soon came to realise just how useless she is and would be.

I do not distinguish between my Attack Team and Defense Team.. yet. Thus, I'll only talk about "my team" in general. It represents both Attack and Defense Teams because I do not have much of a Defense Team to talk about during lower levels.

Anima - Masakuni.

Masakuni's profile: 
Attack (Minimum / Maximum): 1520 / 4370
Defense (Minimum / Maximum): 1420 / 4068
Spirit Required: 15
No Skill.

As you can see for yourself, I didn't even have the time and resources to train her up to her maximum level, even when I was in my low levels and had little distractions (no excessive daemons to train up). She was half-trained and has been so for the longest of time.

Her greatest downfall?
Her mediocre profile + she possessed no skill of her own.

You're also entitled to claim Special Summon tickets whenever you complete Chapters in the Story mode. I have summoned several other 3* daemons, including many repeats, through Special Summon(s). Listed below are a few 3* daemons that I've managed to fully train up (not all are useful though).

Anima - Kusari.

Kusari's profile (see screenshot): 
Skill Effect: Slightly reduces opponent's Phantom Defense (-13%).

Kusari's profile is considered pretty good for a 3* daemon, although not the best. One cannot possibly have the best of both worlds (unless you pay some good money for it), since Kusari comes equipped with a pretty useful offensive skill. Her profile is comparable to another Anima daemon, Go-Go, which I'll be covering on in my next blog entry (read more about him here). :)

There was a period of time when I fielded the daemons in my deck based solely on their profiles (ignoring their skills, if any). Kusari, Go-Go and Mary Night (covered below) were fielded in my team then.

Divina - Archangel.

Archangel's profile (see screenshot): 
Skill Effect: Increases Divina Attack (+18%).

Archangel is my first ever Divina daemon to add on to my relatively empty deck, as well as a small step towards my original dream for a Divina Team (read more about it here). Despite his rather promising skill, his profile is actually quite poor when compared to another Divina daemon, Hare of Inaba, which also happens to be the sealstone daemon for Chapter One (read more about her here).

In conclusion, I made Archangel the leader of my team, until I trained up Hare of Inaba to replace his leadership position.

Anima - Trident.

Trident's profile (see screenshot): 
Skill Effect: Dramatically increases the daemon's Attack (+30% to self only). High trigger rate (70% chance to activate skill).

Trident is actually a pretty good daemon considering his skill adds an impressive amount of attack to himself and has a high chance to trigger skill (normal trigger rate = 50%). Despite not being much of a team player (due to his "selfish" skill), he stayed on my team for quite awhile, proving his worthiness to a beginner player.

Phantom - Mary Night.

Mary Night's profile (see screenshot): 
No Skill.

I summoned her only very much later, where she came to replace Trident's place on my team. By then, my team was already slowly evolving into (sadly, not a Divina Team) a Phantom Team. She was a perfect addition to my team then, having a relatively impressive profile, despite not possessing any skill. She is, in every way, comparable purely in terms of profile (ignoring skills), to Kusari and Go-Go.

Phantom - Lorelei.

Lorelei's profile (see screenshot): 
Skill Effect: Reduces opponent's Phantom Defense (-18%).

I have to confess, but I trained her up painstakingly, er, simply because I had nothing better to do. Sighs. I expected more from her, but she is such an extremely weak daemon for the amount of Spirit she requires. Despite possessing a rather promising skill, she'll never make it into my team because she is just too weak! :(

Phantom - Azusa.

Azusa's profile (see screenshot): 
Skill Effect: Slightly reduces opponent's Divina Attack (-15%).
[Level 13 instead of 11 because I fused multiple copies of herself to her.]

I only summoned her when I was much much later into the game. She also did not make it into my team at all simply because I already had better daemons to field by then. I trained her up anyways, hoping to maybe be able to tap on her skill in my Defense Team in the near future. She never made it anyways.

There are many more 3* daemons that I've summoned through Special Summon(s), but this gives a brief summary and overview of the types and profiles of daemons I've received in the game that helped me alot in my low levels. :)

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)

Rare Summon(s)

You're entitled to a special promotion if you attempt to do a Rare Summon for the very first time. It is at a highly discounted rate - 70 gold coins vs. 300 gold coins.
[The intention, is none other than, to tempt you into purchasing more gold coins to perform Rare Summon(s)!]

Special Summon, Rare Summon and Bell Summon are the only avenue for you to try your luck in getting your hands on some rare and powerful daemons.

- Special Summon: Free
[How to get: Invite friends (use your Invitation ID) to play the game together or complete a Chapter in the Story mode to 100% progression for a Special Summon ticket.]
- Rare Summon: 300 gold coins; 70 gold coins on first attempt
- Bell Summon: 980 gold coins

I summoned this Phantom daemon, Otsuyu, who is transmigrate-able, on my very first Rare Summon. She has very high attack (after transmigration) for a 4* daemon. Her defense, however, is considered rather low.

Otsuyu's daemon-ic transmigration: (left) Otsuyu, original form; (right) Otsuyu, ultimate form.

Otsuyu's profile (left) before and (right) after transmigration.

Otsuyu (ultimate form)'s profile (see screenshot): 
Skill Effect: Reduces opponent's Anima Defense (-20%).

All in all, Otsuyu is meant to be placed solely on the Attack Team. She is an extremely useful daemon and is still being used on my Attack Team now. :)

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Free Summon(s)

In case you didn't already know or hear about the Free Summon(s)..
.. Here's the good news! :)

You're entitled to perform a Free Summon everyday.
You're also entitled to an additional Free Summon during lunchtime (11:30am - 1:30pm).
Free Summon means you do not need to use up your Summon Points to perform a summon for a random daemon.

You're limited in your capability to summon high rarity daemons (4* and 5*) via Free Summon.
[No free lunch in this world!]
You're only able to summon up to these specific 3* daemons, namely Jade Magatama, Beryl Magatama, Amber Magatama, Azuki, Kasumi, Dark Elf and High Elf.
[I personally do not own Dark Elf nor High Elf.. They're extremely rare to be summoned.]

Free Summon.

Did I forget to introduce her? She is your Anima daemon, Mira. Mira is actually a mirror. :) She'll stay forever by your side to guide you and speak to you throughout the game. She is, however, not part of your daemons available to use in your deck.

~ Loves, Ayumi-san :)